Weeks and weeks of preparation and prayer and finally we have reached the point to get on the plane and start our new adventure as a fresh little family in Kenya tomorrow! We are excited and nervous of what lies a head but in knowing that God goes before us He will lead and guide us as we trust in Him every step of the way!
“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever” Psalm 16:11.
My job has kindly let me work from home these last few months, enabling me to spend precious time with Jess and Valour and enabled us to save finances towards Kenya as we will not be receiving any kind of salary while we are out there. We have been so blessed to be living with our grandparents where we have been able to glean wisdom & advice from these incredible missionary’s. Needles to say this is a huge answer to prayer, and is really helping us launch into ministry in a way I couldn’t have imagined !
Our first project
Even though we aren’t there yet, we have already started our work with GFI, Jessie’s has been receiving applications from people eager to come out and get some mission experience. So we are busy sorting out a full itinerary to take them around the country, giving them a chance to plug in with GFI and share the gospel in schools, hospitals, prisons and large scale crusades. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for us and them. (Please get in touch if this type of thing sounds interesting to you or someone you know as we will be organising more of these in the future)
We need your prayer !
What we need prayer for lots of things but heres a few points to focus on:
Protection on our journey
Clear passions to be revealed
Wisdom on the different responsibilities
Open opportunity to learn language and culture
Divine appointments with locals
Wisdom on financial planing / provision
Prayers answered so far...
God answers prayers every day. Here are some answers to prayer requests from our previous news letters.
Great health for the three of us
A clear calling
Provision for our family so far
Commit to supporting us
Please let us know if you would like to commit to praying for our family as a one off or on an ongoing basis as we really need to know that you have our backs in this and that we are not alone.
Please pray into wether you can support us financially or have any insight into how we can have a really break though in this area as it is currently our biggest challenge !
Get in touch
We would really love these letters to be interactive, please let us know if they spark an interest, write back, give us a call, let us know if you would like to catch up, we can make it work. Let us know if you feel like are are being lead to be a friend, lets get intentional about this.
There is so much to say, you guys are really special to us, please keep in touch.
Loads of love, Josh, Jess & Valour