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Yumbe - "Uganda's Islamic stronghold"

Sitting with the leaders of the community

Following on from our unexpected time in South Sudan and our previous preparation visit to Uganda, we had a few days rest then it was off to Ugandas North Western town of Yumbe. This town borders Congo and South Sudan and is the nearest town to one of the worlds largest refugee camps - Bidi Bidi. With the Middle East sending in over 300 islamic missionaries and having a number of missionairs martyred in 2004, it would be fair to say this town is an islamic stronghold in Uganda with over 95% of the population attending the mosques on Friday.

The football was able to draw big crowds to hear the word

The week was filled with competitive football playing, musical talent, and reaching out to the children and people of Yumbe with Gods message of truth and love. It sure has been a spiritual battle. From the moment we arrived we have strongly felt the attack of the enemy trying to destroy and take down the plans we have to bring the gospel. Every day was a new challenge, but no challenge is too big for God. When we reached our limits God took over. The beautiful thing about serving God is that things may seem impossible from where we stand but then the next moment God makes the impossible possible and fixes what we can’t fix.

Crowds going wild after a penalty shoot out

We experienced many miracles and people’s lives being transformed. One Muslim man came to the front to give his testimony and even asked for a bible. (This is a big risk as a converted Muslim to Christianity will get hunted down and even killed by other Muslims) sadly that night this man was followed home and beaten badly by other Muslims, mercifully the police came to his rescue at the last minute.

We continue to pray and believe that the seed we have sown into this town will continue to develop and grow. Surely we did not see and know everyone’s story that came and listened to the gospel, but the impact of preaching and sharing God’s love will truly leave an imprint on peoples hearts. My prayer is for God to continue his work amongst these people and may this be the start of a revival in this town of Yumbe.


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